Eternal Burning
  • 5
  • Alternative:Endless Burning ; The Fall of Rationalism ; 烧不尽 ; Shao Bu Jin
  • Author:Hui Nan Que (回南雀)
  • Views:112.200 view
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Adventure , Drama , Psychological , Shounen , Tragedy

Eternal Burning


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The human body is a representation of the world, controlled by internal desires. Desire is driven by will. The will communicates desires through the body and governs our world. When your world becomes dazzling and shining like never before because of the arrival of a person, you should be alert. That is the collapse of will. Shang Muxiao x Bei JieIndifferent college student x cold and rational associate professor in a wheelchair---Additional: Age gap, College student X Professor

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