Legend Of Dragoon
  • 4.5
  • Alternative:LoD ; The Legend of Dragoon ; レジェンドオブドラグーン
  • Author:Cagiva Ataru
  • Views:61.000 view
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Action , Adventure , Drama , Fantasy , Romance

Legend Of Dragoon


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Following the plot of Disc One from the hit video game, "The Legend of Dragoon" is a manga taking place in the fantasy world of Endiness. Dart, a knight in red, goes off to rescue his childhood friend Shana from the clutches of Hellena prsion. After saving her and making a new friend Lavitz, a knight from the town of Basil, Dart goes to knight fort Hoax to make peace with Serdio rival nation Sandora. This is where he meets Rose, a mysterious female swordsman, who awakens the power of the Dragoon within him and changes his life forever.

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