Lost Youth

Lost Youth


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Have you ever experienced a dark but pure love story?The love was a mistake, the feeling did not suppose to happen. All were wrong. Including yourself.Aine Misabashi, a cheerful second high school grader, has a massive crush towards her popular childhood friend, Riku Shirota. She also has a beautiful best friend, whom she calls as "Princess" that always listen to her insecurity.Everything seems like an ordinary innocent youth drama until Aine saw Riku kissing another girl even though he always said that Aine is the only one he has. Moreover, the girl that he kissed is...Is there any purity in this tangled friendship and romantic relationship? What will Aine do when another important person to her also has a feeling towards her..."Lost Youth" is a magnificent debut work by Akeru Asahi about the bold and delicate girl's romance in high school that would leave you shocking!

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