The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams Of A Quiet City Life
  • 4.2
  • Alternative:Ikinogori Renkinjutsushi Wa Machi De Shizukani Kurashitai,Ikinokori Renkinjutsushi wa Machi de Shizuka ni Kurashitai,The Last Surviving Alchemist Wants to Live Quietly in the City,The Survived Alchemist with a Dream of Quiet Town Life,The survived alchemist with a dream of quiet town life.,幸存炼金术师想在城里静静,生き残り錬金術師は街で静かに暮らしたい
  • Author:Usata Nonohara Guru Mizoguchi
  • Views:3.200.000 view
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Drama , Fantasy , Romance , Shoujo , Slice of life

The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams Of A Quiet City Life


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Mariela is the last alchemist alive after waking from a deep sleep that lasted two hundred years. As the sole alchemist in town, she can make a killing from making and selling potions...but after two hundred years of suspended animation, all she wants to do is relax, take things easy, and live at her own pace!

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