The Hotel On The Dangerous Hill
  • 4.8
  • Alternative:あぶな坂HOTEL ; Abunazaka Hotel
  • Author:Hagio Moto
  • Views:1.000 view
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Drama , Josei , Supernatural

The Hotel On The Dangerous Hill


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The Abunazaka Hotel stands between this world and the next. The guests that find themselves here are drifting on the brink between life and death, carrying heavy burdens in their hearts. Which way is the right direction to go—?! A total of four full-length stories featuring the drama of all the guests that gather at the hotel: “The People of Abunazaka Hotel”, “A Woman’s Life”, “The Three Hosts”, “To the Snowy Mountain”, and a short story, “An Angel’s Story.”

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