The Masked Devil's Love Contract
  • 4.9
  • Alternative:霸道总裁爱上我
  • Author:Open Source A&c
  • Views:868.800 view
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Drama , Romance , Shounen

The Masked Devil's Love Contract


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She was forced to accept a business deal that offered a sky-high payout out of desperation. She thought that once the transaction was complete, it would be a done deal. She never expected to meet him again five years later. The words on his lips were full of loathing for her but his body was very honest as he had his roguish way with her. The secret that she was guarding desperately was suddenly exposed. He swore to keep her trapped by his side, never letting her leave his bed. How shameless! Don't think that everyone who sees you is in love with you just because you're handsome!

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